Majorityrights News > Category: Globalisation

Russian Federation may release Hillary emails in order to boost Trump

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 17 May 2016 06:29.

ZeroHedge, “You Know Those Missing Hillary Emails? Russia Might Leak 20,000 Of Them”, 14 May 2016:

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

Hillary Clinton sits at the center of a raging firestorm concerning her arrangement of a private email account and server set up in her home — from which top secret information may have been deleted. But despite Bernie Sanders’ apparent annoyance with the “damn emails,” the scandal just exponentially intensified, when Judge Andrew Napolitano revealed on Monday that Russia has possession of around 20,000 of Clinton’s emails — leaving open the possibility her deletions might not have been permanent after all.

“There’s a debate going on in the Kremlin between the Foreign Ministry and the Intelligence Services about whether they should release the 20,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s emails that they have hacked into,” Napolitano told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly in an interview for The Kelly File.

Napolitano on the emails.

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

Hillary Clinton sits at the center of a raging firestorm concerning her arrangement of a private email account and server set up in her home — from which top secret information may have been deleted. But despite Bernie Sanders’ apparent annoyance with the “damn emails,” the scandal just exponentially intensified, when Judge Andrew Napolitano revealed on Monday that Russia has possession of around 20,000 of Clinton’s emails — leaving open the possibility her deletions might not have been permanent after all.

“There’s a debate going on in the Kremlin between the Foreign Ministry and the Intelligence Services about whether they should release the 20,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s emails that they have hacked into,” Napolitano told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly in an interview for The Kelly File.

China complains to WTO that US fails to implement tariff ruling

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 May 2016 09:58.

Trump is making a bad choice in saber rattling against China and the rest of Asia. It is to say the least that his conciliatory stance with regard to Israel is of little help to us beyond perhaps serving to strategically placate them, but neither is siding with The Russian Federation over China the right priority.

China is never going to side with the The Russian Federation. Neither is Japan. We need cooperation with these and other Asian countries, and we do not need the headaches of The Russian Federation.

We need China, Japan and the rest of Asia to assist against Islamic and Middle Eastern imposition, Jews and Africans; we need Asian assistance in regard to our borders and along The Silk Road.

Russia’s tenuous claim, tenuous economic industrial and demographic support for its vast eastward expanse is a burden that we don’t need to share in. We’d all be better off with a Russian state scaled to the size of an ethno-state. The eastern part of the present Russian Federation will be taken over by Asian peoples eventually anyway. We need Asian cooperation to secure our own ethno-states, and its best to deal with these realities.

Israel and The Russian Federation or China, Japan and the rest of Asia in alliance with ethno-nationalism, White and otherwise? Trump is taking the wrong side.

Channel News, Asia, “China complains to WTO that US fails to implement tariff ruling”, 14 May 2014:

WASHINGTON: In another sign of escalating trade tensions between China and the United States, Beijing told the World Trade Organization on Friday that Washington was failing to implement a WTO ruling against punitive U.S. tariffs on a range of Chinese goods.

China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said it had requested consultations with the United States over the issue, and anti-subsidy duties on products including solar panels, wind towers and steel pipe used in the oil industry.

China’s complaint to the WTO was filed just days after Washington lodged a similar complaint against China, accusing it of unfairly continuing punitive duties on U.S. exports of broiler chicken products in violation of WTO rules.

“By disregarding the WTO rules and rulings, the United States has severely impaired the integrity of WTO rules and the interests of Chinese industries,” MOFCOM said in a statement distributed by the Chinese embassy in Washington.

The case was first brought before the WTO by China in 2012 against U.S. duties on 15 diverse product categories that also include thermal paper, steel sinks and tow-behind lawn grooming equipment.

In December 2014, the WTO’s Appellate Body ruled in favor of Chinese claims that the products subject to duties had not benefited from subsidies from “public bodies” favoring particular manufacturers.

The deadline for implementation of the rulings and recommendations of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, set through binding arbitration, expired on April 1, according to WTO records.

A U.S. Trade Representative spokesman said the United States had been “working diligently to comply with the recommendations” and to fully conform with its WTO obligations.

He added that the U.S. response to China’s request for consultations would come “in due course.”

Trade tensions between the two largest economies have been rising in the past year as China’s economic slowdown floods world markets with manufactured goods. U.S. producers of steel and aluminum have filed a number of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy complaints against imports from China.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Commerce Department is scheduled to announce its final determination in an anti-dumping investigations of imports of cold-rolled flat steel products from both China and Japan. That case was brought by major U.S. producers U.S. Steel Corp , AK Steel Corp Arcelor Mittal USA, Nucor Corp and Steel Dyanmics Inc

(Reporting By David Lawder; Editing by Tom Brown)

- Reuters

Demonstrating perversity, The EU may fine countries for rejecting refugees

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 05 May 2016 06:15.


Country in Europe

Moldova, an Eastern European country and former Soviet republic, has terrain encompassing forests, rocky hills and vineyards. It shares linguistic and cultural roots with its neighbor, Romania. Its wine regions include Nistreana, known for its reds, and Codru, home to some of the world’s largest cellars. The capital, Chișinău, has Soviet-style architecture and the National Museum of History, exhibiting ethnographic and art collections.

Capital: Chișinău
Gross domestic product: 7.97 billion USD (2013) World Bank
President: Nicolae Timofti
Population: 3.559 million (2013) World Bank
Official language: Romanian

In a sickening gesture of its malevolence toward native Europe, The EU body has threatened to fine those Eastern European countries not going along with the genocide program but which instead maintain their responsibility to foster and protect their native populations with migration control. In particular, the EU is targeting with genetic infection not only those countries characterized by healthy native demographic maintenance but is at the same time targeting with a devastating economic lose-lose proposition those countries, such as Poland, with the nerve to be doing fairly well economically and those countries such as Moldova, clinging to economic life. Perversely thus, the EU is punishing good demographic behavior, those who are economically well behaved and those that can least afford it - - threatening them with heavy fines if they do not participate in EU migration programs that would be both disastrous to them economically and tantamount to biological weaponry deployed against their native genome.

EU may fine countries for rejecting refugees, 3 May 2016:

The EU Commission plans to impose fines on countries that refuse to take refugees under revised EU asylum laws to be put forward on Wednesday (4 May).

The commission will propose a sanction of €250,000 per refugee, according to the Financial Times.

The commission’s proposal will maintain the guiding principle of the current system that the country where migrants first step into the EU must deal with asylum applications.

But it proposes that when a country at the EU’s external border is overwhelmed, asylum seekers should be distributed across the continent.

The commission has been trying to encourage reluctant countries, particularly in central and eastern Europe, to take part in the redistribution system.

Slovakia and Hungary have already brought a court case to challenge an earlier EU decision to redistribute migrants based on a mandatory quota.

But commission officials say the outcome of the court’s decision will not affect their plans to overhaul the asylum system, known as the Dublin regulation.

EU countries last year agreed to redistribute 160,000 asylum seekers across Europe in two years, but have so far actually redistributed only a small portion.

Central European politicians have been vocal about an earlier version of the proposal for mandatory redistribution that was released last month.

At the time, Czech European affairs minister Tomas Prouza tweeted: “Permanent quotas once again? How long will the EU commission keep riding this dead horse instead of working on things that really help?”

Diplomats from eastern EU states have told this website that they are not “heartless people” and they are willing to help refugees in other ways, but they believe a redistribution system will simply lead to more immigrants arrive in the EU.

Turkey falling short

Along with the revised Dublin regulation, the commission is expected to recommend visa-free travel for people from Turkey and Kosovo on Wednesday, even if Ankara is not able to fulfil all the 72 benchmarks that the EU set as conditions.

Sources suggest Turkey is falling short on a handful of the demands – for example issuing biometric passports, and granting visa-free travel to Turkey for EU countries including Cyprus, which Turkey does not recognise.

Other outstanding issues include data protection, fighting corruption, effective cooperation with Europol and state-level law enforcement agencies, and a revision of anti-terror laws so that they cannot be used against journalists or opposition figures.

However, the commission will suggest visa-free travel with the condition that these criteria are met by the end of June, when Turkey is expecting visa requirements to be lifted.

Trump: We Are Going to Love Eachother

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 04 May 2016 07:24.

The Atlantic, “How Donald Trump Speaks to—and About—Minorities” 3 May 2016:

Does the presumptive Republican nominee see African Americans and Hispanics as part of the American “we”?

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

Celebrating his big win in Indiana—and his elevation to presumptive nominee of the Republican Party—Tuesday night, Donald Trump spoke at Trump Tower in New York City, where he delivered a promise to heal the deep fractures in his party.

“We want to bring unity to the Republican Party,” he said. “We have to bring unity. It’s so much easier if we have it.”

Do Black Votes Matter to Donald Trump?

That will be a tall order. But as a general-election candidate, Trump will need to win over more than just Republicans. In his inimitable way, he pledged to bring together the rest of the nation as well.

“We’re going to bring back our jobs, and we’re going to save our jobs, and people are going to have great jobs again, and this country, which is very, very divided in so many different ways, is going to become one beautiful loving country, and we’re going to love each other, we’re going to cherish each other and take care of each other, and we’re going to have great economic development and we’re not going to let other countries take it away from us, because that’s what’s been happening for far too many years and we’re not going to do it anymore,” he said. (That’s a single sentence, if you’re keeping track at home.)

Trump faces significant obstacles to achieving that unity, particular with blocs that are not white men. Seven in 10 women view him unfavorably. It’s even worse with minorities. A recent Gallup poll found that 77 of Hispanics view Trump unfavorably. A Washington Post poll pegged that number at eight in 10, seven of them “very unfavorable.” An NBC News/Survey Monkey poll found an astonishing 86 percent of African Americans had a negative view of Trump.

One reason for those atrocious ratings is the way Trump speaks to and about minorities, which was on display during his victory speech Tuesday.

“We’re going to have great relationships with the Hispanics,” he said. “The Hispanics have been so incredible to me. They want jobs. Everybody wants jobs. The African Americans want jobs. If you look at what’s going on, they want jobs.”

Part of Trump’s rhetorical power is his supercharged used of “we,” a method that persuades people across the country that they are part of a larger movement, and somehow share with Trump his aura of wealthy and luxury. (It’s the same technique he’s used to sell real estate for years.) In the midst of his spiel about all the ways “we” would make America great again, Trump tossed in this passage about minorities.

His phrasing is telling. First, it suggests that for Trump, blacks and Hispanics aren’t part of “we”—“they” constitute separate groups. Perhaps that’s an accidental, unthinking division, but subconscious racial division is no less dangerous. Second, it shows him assuming that minority concerns can be reduced to economics. That view is perhaps unsurprising for a man who has spent his career trying to accumulate wealth, but it is a two-dimensional view of black and Hispanic Americans.

The fact that his policies simply don’t line up with what most African Americans want in a president is one reason his numbers with black voters are so bad. Another factor is a presidential campaign driven in large parts by divisive appeals to racism and bigotry against Hispanics, Muslims, and other groups. Trump also has a long history of racially charged incidents, from alleged tenant discrimination to his strident reaction to the Central Park Five.

The entertainer has long spoken about minority groups with the outdated formulation involving a definite article: “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks,” he said in 2011, using language that undermined his claim. He’s said similar things about “the Hispanics.”

Changing the way Trump speaks about African Americans and Hispanics won’t solve his problems with those groups, but if he wishes to unify the country, beginning to speak about them as though they are part of the American populace would be a good place to start.

Way to go right-wingers. As usual, the real Republican men are too rational to see race…these men are color blind, love everybody.

This loving domestic unity is going to be good for European EGI, going to be good for the economy - Asia is going to buy its products.

Sounds Like black Privilege: Blackout on WN Concerns, Comments - Majorityrights Forum Responds

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 03 May 2016 22:36.

Sounds like black privilege to me”: Rampant racism forces Fox News to close comments section on Malia Obama article

An article about Malia Obama’s choice of college garnered racially charged reader comments on Fox News.

FILE- In this April 8, 2016, file photo, President Barack Obama and his daughter Malia walk from Marine One toward Air Force One at Los Angeles International Airport. Malia is taking a year off after graduating from high school before attending Harvard University as part of an expanding program for students known as a “gap year.” (AP Photo/Nick Ut, File)(Credit: AP)

After posting a news story about Malia Obama’s decision to take a gap year before beginning Harvard, Fox News was forced to remove the comment section from the article, after an avalanche of racism by readers, according to reverbpress.

Although the comments are now hidden, Addicting Info managed to take several screenshots of the hatefulness posted some on the news site. Typos and grammatical errors have been included as per the original:

  I wonder if she applied as a muDslime..or a foreign student..or just a N—–

  According to the screenshot, this comment garnered the most likes from other users, managing to combine three different groups of people into one racist sentence.

Source, Salon, 3 May 2016

Where Twitter, Facebook and Comment Sections Fail White European interests, there is Majorityrights Forum to meet the requirement.

Muslim Set to Win London Mayor

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 03 May 2016 07:15.

TNO, “Muslim Set to Win London Mayor,” 2 May 2016:

Britain’s capital city of London is set to elect a Muslim Pakistani-origin mayor this week, making it the first such formerly European city to officially fall before the nonwhite invasion of Europe, started more than five decades ago.

Sadiq Khan, standing for the Labour Party, is far and away the strong favorite to win London’s mayoral election on Thursday, despite a racially-charged campaign and allegations from his Conservative opponent that he is linked to Muslim extremists.

Sadiq Khan MP at Westminster, London, Britain - 11 Oct 2012

Earlier, Khan had announced that there were “too many white men” working in the London government, and that if elected, he would “rectify” this “problem.”

Khan is set to win the election not because he is the better candidate, but because the city is now majority nonwhite, perhaps the largest metropolis in Europe to have been completely overrun by Third World immigration.

As a result, the Conservative Party candidate—Zac Goldsmith, a Jewish-origin Member of Parliament, married to a member of the Rothschild family—trails Kahn by more than 20 points in all opinion polls.

As a Reuters article understated the situation: “London’s population of 8.6 million is among the most diverse in the world and it is rare for identity politics to enter British campaigning.”

This “identity politics,” as Reuters calls it, is of course nonwhites block voting for the nonwhite candidate, and London’s Jewish population voting for the Jewish candidate. The ethnic British voters in the capital—now an absolute minority—appear to be favoring Goldsmith, but this is unlikely to affect the race’s outcome.

Goldsmith, with the support of Prime Minister David Cameron, has for weeks focused on Khan’s past appearances alongside radical Muslim speakers, accusing him of giving “platform, oxygen, and cover” to extremists.

Khan was briefly forced to the defensive on the issue, and said that he regretted sharing stage with speakers who held “abhorrent” views.

In turn, Khan has accused Goldsmith of “using Donald Trump-style tactics to divide Londoners along faith lines.”

Khan has also admitted that the recent “uproar” over “anti-Semitism” in the Labour Party had hurt his chances with Jewish voters.

“I accept that the comments that Ken Livingstone has made makes it more difficult for Londoners of Jewish faith to feel that the Labour Party is a place for them, and so I will carry on doing what I have always been doing, which is to speak for everyone,” he told the media.

The real importance of Khan’s expected election victory is however that the predictable end-result of the policy of mass Third World immigration—pursued by successive Conservative and Labour Party governments—has now come to pass.

It is conclusive evidence—if any more was needed—that legal immigration is a larger threat than illegal immigration, and any nation which does not take immediate steps to ensure its racial homogeneity, will suffer London’s fate.

Invasion and the Wrecking of Libya

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 01 May 2016 10:20.

TNO, “Invasion and the Wrecking of Libya” 30 April 2016:

The African invasion of Europe across the Mediterranean Sea has been caused by the British and French governments’ wrecking of the Gadhafi regime in Libya—and is now also being aided by Libyan warlords and the Italian mafia.

According to an article in Germany’s Bild newspaper, the “disintegrated” state of Libya following Gadhafi’s fall made it much easier to send boats to Europe and “anyone who wants to, can do trafficking. Militia and Italian mafia are making their share.”

The Garabuli detention center where hundreds of Africans are detained by the Libyan government.

The Bild newspaper gained access to one of the Libyan government’s seaside detention centers being run by the new “anti-illegal immigration” department, and reported on the conditions prevailing among the sub-Saharan African inmates.

The country of Libya is in “disintegration,” the newspaper says.

The European Union-supported government “governs” from ships off the coast—because it is unable to govern from Tripoli, which is under the control of a “moderate Islamist” organization, Fajr Libya.

“And in the east of the country, the terror organization ISIS has conquered an area of 250 kilometers in length,” Bild continues.

This makes it easy for the traffickers to operate. At Garabuli beach, 50 kilometers away from Tripoli, invaders wait in abandoned buildings for the traffickers.

The Bild reporters met “Abdul,” a trafficker in Libya. He comes from Nigeria, just like many of the invaders he smuggles.

Abdul tells the Bild that “Under Gaddafi, it was much harder to send boats to Europe. But now there is no longer a state. Anyone who wants to can do trafficking. The militia and the Italian mafia are earning their share.”

The price for a place in a boat is currently around €1,200 euros. Over 100 people are transported on a single rubber boat. Wooden boats are used for up to 800 people.

“We came, we saw, he died!” ...she laughs.

The removal of Gaddafi is also an expression of the Israeli program, “Operation Clean Break”

* Monsanto Corporation apparently has a role in this as debacle as well.

Hillary Clinton political critic and leading environmental activist murdered in Honduras

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 19:51.

TRUTH Word Press, “Hillary Clinton political critic and leading environmental activist murdered in Honduras – She called out Clinton by name,” 26 April 2016:

Hillary instrumental in installing “nightmare regime”

When she was Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton green-lighted a violent right wing coup against the democratically elected president of Honduras.

She then worked tirelessly to discredit its critics.

Now one of those critics, a woman who was a leading human rights leader, just got a bullet in the head.

She wasn’t shy about mentioning Hilary Clinton by name.

Now, during the presidential primary and election season, she won’t be saying anything.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 16 Mar 2024 03:51. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sat, 16 Mar 2024 03:44. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sat, 16 Mar 2024 03:39. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 16 Mar 2024 03:19. (View)

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